Monday, October 30, 2023


The cost of installing and running various kinds of heat pump differs in some ways. Geothermal heat pumps are costlier to install compared to air source. These pumps will require you to dig down to a certain heat source.

It will also require you to work with more complicated heat transfer systems. That can also be more expensive based on your property’s terrain.

Costs Of Running And Repairing A Heat Pump

The amount you need to pay to operate and repair a heat pump depends on the type of system you have. It is less expensive to operate a ground source heat pump since the water and the ground has a constant temperature that lets the unit operate effectively. Ground source units likewise have the benefit of not being subjected to the weather outdoors, thus preventing too much wear and tear.

On the other hand, they can be quite expensive to repair especially if you have to access the underground part of the unit. Air source units are easy to service and access. However, they might require more constant maintenance since they are constantly exposed to the elements. Additionally, air source heat pumps might utilize more supplemental energy to operate, particularly in areas with colder climates, and this will lead to a higher utility bill.

North Myrtle Beach heat pumps can help you save between 30% and 40% or more on your utility bill. However, neglecting the heat pump can lead to the unit’s reduced efficiency. It is important to consider the climate where you plan to use the heat pump so that you can choose the right system that will run efficiently in your area. Provided that you install the best and most appropriate kind of heat pump, this unit can help you reduce your utility costs.

Hire A Pro

Always remember that it is better to hire a professional HVAC contractor to fix your heat pump problems. Heat pumps may contain hazardous materials and that means it needs to be dealt by professionals only. A chemical leak, for instance, is already bad news. You don’t want to make things worse by injuring yourself because you didn’t know how to handle the broken device correctly.

A heat pump can last for as long as three decades, and geothermal units top the list when it comes to longevity. As a matter of fact, some parts of the ground source heat pump may even last longer. Keep in mind that today’s technology can quickly change even before your heat pump has worn out.

That means your unit may even outlast the ability of your North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air to maintain and repair it. Furthermore, keep an eye out for brand-new types of heat pumps especially the ones that are safer and more effective.

Heat Pumps versus Central Heating Systems – Which One is Right for You?

heat-pump-2-1-300x200.jpgIf you are building a new home or simply updating the heating and air conditioning system in the one you have, there are many options on the table for you. Central heating and air conditions are one choice, then there are

  • individual air conditioning units
  • portable heaters
  • and of course, heat pumps.

Most people want a unit that offers temperature control in all of their rooms, which leaves central systems and heat pumps as the most likely options. But which one is the best choice?

The real answer to that question is that there is no answer. The decision between central heating systems and heat pumps comes down to several factors, and there is no one right choice for everyone.

Here are some pros and cons of each kind of system to weigh up before you make your decision about which kind of system to get:

First up, heat pumps: the most attractive thing about heat pumps for many people is the cost. Heat pumps offer heating and cooling in one single unit. This means that not only do you have to shell out for one single unit when it comes time to purchase the system; but you only have to maintain one single unit over the life of its use, so the overall operating costs are lower. Likewise, heat pumps cost less to operate on a daily basis. Heat pumps work with the existing heat in the air. Therefore it is not an artificial heating or cooling of the air was with central heating systems. Your electric bills will be lower, and the impact on the environment is less as well.

There are some downsides to heat pumps, however. They are not for people who live in places with temperature extremes. Most HVAC contractors recommend that people who live in environments with temperatures that frequently go below 40 degrees in the winter or over 85 degrees in the summer. Because the heat pump can only work by drawing heat out of the air in the winter and pulling it out of your home in the summer, it can’t work hard enough to keep up with those temperature extremes.

The downside to central systems is that they are more expensive. You need a separate heating and cooling system, which means a bigger cost upfront and higher maintenance cost over the life of the system. Because central systems artificially heat and cool the air, they are more expensive to run on a daily basis.

You have to evaluate your individual needs before deciding which system is right for you. Then give North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air a call for a quote on installing your heating system or heat pump.

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Thursday, October 26, 2023


As winter approaches, staying cozy at home becomes a priority. However, your heating system can consume a significant amount of energy, leading to higher bills. To keep your home efficient and energy costs in check, it’s essential to address common heating and air issues.

Common Heating And Air Issues That Can Raise Energy Costs

Drafts: Drafts are air leaks that strain your heating system. They can result from small gaps around wall outlets, poorly caulked windows, or unpatched holes. Drafts allow heat to escape, forcing your heating and air conditioning system to work harder and driving up energy bills.

Improper Heating Habits: Finding a balance in heating habits is key to energy savings.

Tips for an Efficient HVAC System

Maintain Proper Airflow: Your HVAC system relies on good airflow to distribute heating or cooling efficiently. Avoid closing doors or blocking air vents, and regularly clean or replace air filters to ensure unobstructed airflow.

Follow Maintenance Schedules: To keep your heating and cooling system in top shape, follow maintenance schedules. While you can perform some maintenance tasks, hiring a professional like HVAC contractor is advisable for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs.

Heaing-and-air-2-300x200.jpgHeating and Cooling For Older Homes

Older homes have a unique charm, but when it comes to modern heating and cooling, they weren’t built with the same considerations as today’s houses. That’s why it’s essential to pay attention to specific details in your older home to ensure it remains comfortable. It’s also a good idea to have an HVAC contractor in North Myrtle Beach inspect your system periodically to keep your heating and cooling in good working order. Key areas that require attention include insulation, roof integrity, and ductwork.

Why Older Homes Need Extra Heating and Air Maintenance

Window and Door Leaks: Older homes often have issues with leaks due to fireplaces without functioning dampers and older doors and windows. Well-maintained windows typically last around 20 years, so if your home is older than that, it might be time to consider replacements.

Roof Insulation: Older homes built before the 1940s often lack proper insulation, or if insulation was added, it may no longer be effective. Checking and improving attic insulation can help prevent heat from escaping during the winter and keep your home cooler in the summer.

HVAC Equipment: If your older home has an existing North Myrtle Beach HVAC system, it’s crucial to schedule regular maintenance and inspections. HVAC units over a decade old may have accumulated dirt and dust, affecting their performance and indoor air quality.

Ductwork: Older homes often have different structural layouts than modern ones, which can pose challenges when installing central air conditioning. If your home lacks existing ductwork, you may worry about disrupting its aesthetics.

However, experienced HVAC professionals can install ductwork with minimal impact on your home’s appearance or recommend ductless HVAC systems. Maintaining comfort and efficiency in older homes requires attention to detail and regular HVAC maintenance.

Addressing these concerns allows you to enjoy a cozy home while keeping energy costs in check. For reliable HVAC services, contact North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air today!

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


This article aims to simplify the complexities of heating and cooling systems, dividing the topic into three main sections. Let’s start with the role of a contractor. A contractor may not have specific knowledge about your particular heating and cooling system, but they possess expertise in general system maintenance.

Heating And Cooling Maintenance Tips

If you encounter any issues with your heating or cooling setup, seeking the assistance of a contractor is advisable. They can inspect your system, identify necessary repairs or replacements, and provide you with a cost estimate. Additionally, a North Myrtle Beach heating and cooling supplier can help determine if any components need replacing or repairing.

Why Choose an HVAC Contractor for Repairs

Moving on, let’s delve into heating repair. You can opt to tackle minor heating repairs yourself or enlist the services of a heating contractor. If you’re confident in your abilities, some simple repairs can be handled independently. When you notice a problem, the first step is to turn off the power to your heating unit, either by switching off the circuit breaker or unplugging the system. Once power is disconnected, examine all the components.

Begin by ensuring that the pilot light is ignited. If it’s not lit, you’ll need to relight it. Keep a close eye on it to confirm that it remains lit; if it extinguishes again, relight it promptly.

heating-and-cooling-2-300x200.jpgThe next item on your checklist should be the fan. If it’s not running, investigate the wiring. Any buzzing sounds could indicate a wiring issue. In the event of a malfunctioning fan, it’s essential to replace it. Additionally, verify that the fan is oriented in the correct direction.

If not, adjust its position. Lastly, inspect the air filter, making sure it’s clean and unobstructed. A clogged filter should be replaced. Don’t forget to clear any blockages in the ductwork as well. If you discover any obstructions, remove them. If these repairs seem beyond your capabilities, it’s advisable to contact a heating contractor for assistance.

Seek Professional Help When Necessary

If you lack confidence in your DIY skills, enlisting the services of an HVAC contractor in North Myrtle Beach is a wise choice. You can locate one online or contact them directly. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Their expertise can ensure the effective maintenance and repair of your heating and cooling system.

Call North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air now and let our HVAC contractors help deal with your heating and air conditioning problems.

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Friday, October 20, 2023


Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system can serve you well for many years, but it requires proper care and maintenance. Replacing an HVAC system prematurely can be a costly endeavor, so it’s essential to take steps to extend its lifespan. Here are some HVAC maintenance tips to help you maximize the longevity of your system:

HVAC Maintenance Tips

Size Matters

When installing a new HVAC unit, ensure it’s the right size for your home. A load calculation can determine the appropriate size, as an improperly sized system can lead to excessive wear and tear. An undersized unit will struggle to maintain comfort, while an oversized one will cycle on and off frequently, causing moisture issues and reducing the system’s lifespan.

Regular Inspections

Schedule regular inspections by a professional HVAC contractor. These inspections can catch potential problems early, preventing costly repairs and ensuring your system operates efficiently. Regular maintenance helps extend the life of your HVAC system and saves you money on cooling and heating costs.


Changing air filters is a simple but crucial task. A clogged filter forces your HVAC system to work harder, potentially causing overheating and reducing its lifespan. Aim to replace filters every three months, especially if your system runs frequently during summer and winter. This not only protects your system’s components but also improves indoor air quality.

HVAC-maintenance-2-1-300x200.jpgAllow Rest Periods

Overusing your HVAC system can lead to faster deterioration. During milder seasons, consider giving your HVAC a break by adjusting the temperature settings to reduce its workload. This periodic rest can significantly extend its operational life.

Keep It Clean

The outdoor unit of your HVAC system needs to stay clean and unobstructed. Debris such as leaves, grass clippings, and twigs can accumulate around the condenser unit, hindering its efficiency. Regularly clean the unit and remove any debris to maintain optimal performance.

Assist Your Unit

Your North Myrtle Beach HVAC system doesn’t need to run continuously. Making some simple changes can help prolong its life. During summer, close blinds to block out heat, utilize ceiling fans to distribute cool air, ensure your home is well-insulated, and seal any gaps or cracks. These actions reduce the workload on your HVAC system and contribute to its longevity.

Properly caring for your system can save you from the inconvenience and expense of premature replacement. Remember to schedule regular HVAC maintenance in North Myrtle Beach, change filters, and create a comfortable living environment that doesn’t overtax your HVAC system. With these practices in place, your HVAC system can continue to provide comfort for years to come.

If you encounter issues with your HVAC system, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable HVAC service provider for assistance. Call North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air now.

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Your home’s HVAC system needs some attention after a hot summer. Discover why early fall is the perfect time for HVAC maintenance and what this seasonal checkup involves.

Useful HVAC Maintenance Tips

Reconsider Thermostat Settings

While programmable thermostats can help you save energy and lower utility bills, it’s crucial to plan ahead. Before the summer’s heat starts to fade, it’s wise to optimize your thermostat settings for the upcoming fall season.

The key is to set your thermostat in a way that maximizes comfort during the day while conserving energy. During daylight hours, aim for a temperature of around 56°F (13°C). This setting allows everyone to stay cozy while also reducing heating expenses by up to 15% throughout the year.

Even though chilly weather may arrive unexpectedly, there’s no need to rush to raise the heat if you’ve already programmed your thermostat for comfort and energy efficiency.

Change Your Air Filter

To maintain good indoor air quality, it’s generally recommended to change your air filter every 60-90 days. However, this guideline might not fit every situation. Given the prolonged use of air conditioning during the summer, it’s wise to switch out the filter every 30 days.

Remember, an air filter’s job is to capture pollutants, dirt, and debris from your indoor air. Over time, a filter becomes less effective at trapping these pollutants. A clogged filter can also put extra strain on your HVAC system, causing it to work harder to cool your home.

HVAC-maintenane-2-300x200.jpgNo matter how often you’ve changed your air filter over the summer, it’s a good practice to replace it in the fall. This simple step ensures that your HVAC system continues to filter out allergens and pollutants that tend to appear during autumn, providing you with clean and fresh indoor air.

Although most homeowners don’t perform maintenance on their HVAC systems, it’s still essential to inspect them regularly to identify potential issues and ensure they’re in good working condition.

Check for loose connections and components that might have come undone, as poor electrical connections can lead to system inefficiency. Additionally, examine your air conditioner’s condensate drain to make sure it’s clean and dry. If you notice blockages, clogs, or mold growth caused by moisture, it’s advisable to contact a professional promptly.

While these may seem like minor issues, an HVAC system affected by electrical problems, blockages, or mold can operate inefficiently and compromise indoor air quality. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for maintenance if you detect anything unusual during your inspection.

Clean the Outdoor Unit

Leave the more complex outdoor maintenance tasks to the professionals, but there are some steps you can take, starting with cleaning the outdoor unit.

While landscaping around your outdoor unit is fine, ensure that no bushes, shrubs, or flowers come into direct contact with it. Give the condenser (or unit) a clearance of two to three feet to accommodate growth and prevent debris accumulation. Trim any trees or bushes that might encroach on this space.

When mowing your lawn, be careful not to leave grass clippings on the unit, and promptly brush them away if it happens. As fall approaches, make it a habit to regularly clear the condenser of any fallen branches or leaves.

Once you’ve turned off your air conditioner for the season, you can further protect the outdoor unit by investing in a condenser cover. This cover helps prevent leaf buildup and protects the unit from damage caused by snow or ice. By covering your unit, you reduce the likelihood of needing extensive HVAC maintenance when the next season rolls around.

Check the Startup & Shutdown Controls

Fall’s fluctuating temperatures may require you to switch between your furnace and air conditioner. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to shut down and restart your HVAC system quickly. Do this as part of your HVAC maintenance routine.

heat-pump-2-1-300x200.jpgTo test the controls, adjust the settings on your programmable thermostat. Manually set the thermostat to activate the heating system and then observe if it starts up. After it has run for a while, adjust the thermostat settings to turn off the heating system.

The next part of HVAC maintenance is to test the cooling system. If either the heating or cooling system fails to start, shut down, or operate as expected, it’s advisable to contact an HVAC technician for additional maintenance or repairs.

Schedule Preventive Maintenance

Discovering that your system requires significant repairs can be frustrating. A preventive maintenance agreement, however, can ease the burden of both HVAC maintenance and repairs.

This type of maintenance agreement focuses on proactive measures. An experienced technician conducts comprehensive inspections of your HVAC system every spring and fall, performing maintenance, repairs, updates, and adjustments to keep it running smoothly. The HVAC contractor in North Myrtle Beach checks control systems, examines wires, lubricates moving parts, and verifies refrigerant levels, among other tasks.

In addition to filter changes, this maintenance agreement ensures that your HVAC system operates correctly, maintaining optimal performance. The two annual checkups guarantee that your system works flawlessly, even during late fall. Moreover, you can accumulate points toward system upgrades, allowing you to take advantage of energy-efficient HVAC improvements when needed.

Get a Home-Energy Audit

Early fall is an excellent time to schedule a home-energy audit to understand your seasonal energy requirements and address any local energy efficiency concerns. You can either arrange for a professional energy audit or perform a DIY energy assessment.

Begin with a walkthrough of your home to locate air leaks. Inspect areas like baseboards, doors, and windows for drafts or leaks, sealing any gaps or cracks with weatherstripping or caulk. Assess the insulation in your home, particularly in the attic, to ensure you have the right amount and that it includes a vapor barrier to prevent moisture entry.

For a comprehensive energy audit, hire a professional energy auditor who will not only offer expert advice on insulation and air leaks but also utilize advanced technology to pinpoint problematic areas. Thermographic inspections reveal hot and cold spots indicative of air leaks, while blower-door tests assess your home’s airtightness and identify drafty areas or ventilation issues. A professional energy audit can lead to significant energy savings and is well worth considering.

If you require assistance with your HVAC system, don’t hesitate to contact North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air at 843-399-3237 for support.

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Monday, October 16, 2023


Great job on your new home purchase! Now that you’re a homeowner, it’s important to take care of your HVAC system. This means doing some regular upkeep, keeping an eye out for problems, and preventing expensive repairs. Regular HVAC maintenance help the unit work well and save money in the long run.

HVAC Maintenance Tips

First things first, figure out what type of heating and cooling system you have in your new home. Is it a mini-split system, a central air conditioner, a boiler, or a heat pump? You’ll also want to know what kind of fuel it uses. Here are a few other things you should be aware of:

Age: Some HVAC systems can last a long time, but many start showing signs of wear and tear after about 10 years.

Efficiency Rating: HVAC systems are rated based on their efficiency, using terms like EER, SEER, and AFUE. Higher ratings mean better efficiency.

Warranty: Understand the terms of the warranty and what might void it.

Maintenance Records: If the previous homeowner had maintenance done by a North Myrtle Beach HVAC contractor, ask for those inspection reports. They can give you insights into any past issues with the unit.

Change Your Air Filters

One of the simplest and most effective HVAC Maintenance is running smoothly is to change the air filters regularly. Most of the time, this means every one to six months. Some systems even have thermostats that’ll remind you when it’s time to change the filter.

Keep the Area Around Your Outdoor Unit Clear

Taking care of your landscaping isn’t just about making your home look nice; it can also help your HVAC system work better. Make sure any plants, trees, shrubs, or other greenery are at least three feet away from the outdoor unit. Also, keep any gardening tools, furniture, toys, or other supplies away from it.

Don’t Close Your Vents

If you’re trying to save money on heating and cooling costs, closing your vents isn’t the way to go. It might seem like a good idea, but it’ll actually make your HVAC system work harder to keep your home comfortable. An experienced HVAC contractor in North Myrtle Beach won’t recommend blocking vent registers with anything. If you want to control the temperature in specific areas of your home, they can help you set up different zones.

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or have been around the block a few times, feel free to reach out to North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air for guidance and support.

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Thursday, October 12, 2023


In an average home or building, there are ways to improve the many different areas that are energy inefficient. However, most people overlook these places because they are more focused on feeling too hot or too cold. Fortunately, there are ways for you to optimize your HVAC unit.

Common HVAC Problem Areas

Thermostat – if the thermostat has been calibrated incorrectly, it will read the wrong temperature and it will also adjust to the incorrect temperature. Be sure to calibrate all of the thermostat so that your HVAC unit functions as you expect it to be.

Economizers – this occurs way too often. The economizers on the air handling unit work incorrectly or perhaps do not work at all. Malfunctioning controls or maybe slipped linkages will cause the dampers to become stuck in a single position. Somebody makes a short-term fix by sticking a 2×4 into the outdoor air damper to make sure it remains open until the HVAC repair by a professional can be made. However, they tend to forget all about it and it remains open when it should be always closed. Be sure to check the economizers and fix the ones that are not working.

Variable Frequency Drives – They could be great energy savers since they differ in the motor speed that they are serving based on the system’s requirements.

hvac-2-300x200.jpgCoils – the HVAC coils get filthy and the accumulation of dirty and dangerous biofilm, makes the unit work harder than usual, lowering its efficiency. Filthy coils could also lower the indoor air quality and make the people inside feel sick. You need to hire a well-trained HVAC contractor to clean the coils using the right equipment and a specialized steam method that gest deep into the HVAC coils. This method gets rid of not only particulate matter but as well as the biofilm.

Equipment – the equipment that must operate only during normal operating hours, but instead operates always, will waste a lot of energy. Air handling systems, lights, and pumps, as well as personal use devices like chargers, heaters, computers, or small fans on top or under the desks, can be turned on 24/7. The best way to fix it is to install motion sensors or timers. You can also use programmable thermostats everywhere you can. Just be sure to program them correctly. Post reminders in places where you can easily see them to turn off the equipment before you leave. It is also a good idea to use a power strip so that you can just turn it all off using a single switch.

Submetering – most commercial buildings or homes just have one electric meter. Submetering the HVAC system, lighting, and plug loads would show which areas are using more energy. Then you will have the chance to address certain problem areas. You also know when there is an unexpected surge in energy use so you can fix small problems before they become major ones.

Call North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air if you need help in addressing problems with your heating and cooling systems.

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Monday, October 9, 2023


Winter is coming, so don’t wait until it gets cold to prepare your heat pump system. If you’re proactive about taking preventative steps, your HVAC system will be able to weather the winter without much trouble.

Top tips for preparing your heat pump to withstand winter:

Clear the area around the system

Airflow problems could be caused by branches, leaves, or snow located within two feet of your unit. These items can lead to North Myrtle Beach heat pump efficiency problems and restrict airflow.

Clean your HVAC system filter

Dirty filters can block airflow, making your HVAC system work harder, use more energy, and result in higher utility bills. Air filters should be changed based on the type of filter and the amount of dirt they collect. Regularly changing your filter will help your system perform better.

Adjust the thermostat settings

You have three settings to choose from: heat, cool, and emergency heat. Set your thermostat to heat mode if you plan to use your heat in the fall. Emergency heat mode should only be used if your unit is not working properly or is iced up. Note: Emergency heat can be more costly than regular heat mode.

heat-pump-2-213x300.jpgSchedule maintenance

It’s important to inspect your system annually, ideally before the arrival of colder weather. Waiting until the coldest season can make it difficult to schedule an appointment, as this is the HVAC industry’s busiest season. An HVAC maintenance plan can help prevent 90% of equipment failures caused by dirt, increasing efficiency and extending your equipment’s life.

Maximize Heat Pump Performance in Winter

Heat pumps operate differently in winter compared to summer. During the winter months, it’s crucial to be cautious with your system to get the most out of it and prolong its life.

Why is it different in winter?

Heat pumps in North Myrtle Beach don’t produce heat; they move heat from one place to another. They can draw heat from the air even in cold temperatures, although their efficiency may decrease below freezing. With careful usage, you can ensure that your winter performance remains high.

Here are some tips to maximize the performance in winter:

  1. Avoid setting the thermostat too high (e.g., to 90 degrees) to heat your home as it will slow down the heating process and consume more energy. Consider using a smart thermostat for  systems to save money and maintain comfort.
  2. Reserve emergency heat for actual emergencies. This mode is highly inefficient and can lead to increased energy bills.
  3. Regularly clean your filter to prevent air blockage, extend your system’s life, and improve indoor air quality.
  4. Ensure that your outdoor unit is free from leaves and other debris to allow optimal airflow.
  5. Avoid covering your system; it’s designed to withstand outdoor conditions during winter. Covering it can lead to issues like mold growth and pest infestations.
  6. In extremely cold temperatures, prevent ice buildup on your system. Keep your unit in defrost mode, which is a normal function. If it remains in defrost mode for an extended period, it may require heat pump maintenance.
  7. Schedule regular professional cleaning and maintenance at least once a year to maintain efficiency and prevent unexpected breakdowns.

If you have any questions about winter heat pumps or need assistance in choosing the right unit , don’t hesitate to reach out to North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air. We can help you schedule routine maintenance.

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Thursday, October 5, 2023


If you’re in need of someone to fix or replace your heating and cooling system, it’s important to find the right person for the job. Here are some simple tips to help you pick the best HVAC contractor:

Hire The Best HVAC Contractor

Check Their Experience

Before hiring anyone, make sure they have experience working with heating and cooling systems. Look for their license and insurance information. If they’re not licensed in your area, it’s best not to hire them. That means they aren’t certified to work on HVAC systems and may not be able to solve your problems.

Ask for References

Request references from the HVAC contractor in North Myrtle Beach. They should be able to provide you with the names and numbers of satisfied customers who can vouch for their skills and reliability.

Visit Their Website:

HVAC-contractor-2-300x199.jpgTake a look at the HVAC contractor’s website. Check out their past work and see if there are any testimonials from happy customers. Reading through their blog can also give you an idea of how well they treat their clients.

Remember, the most crucial thing is to feel comfortable with the person you hire. If you don’t, it’s better to keep looking. There are many qualified contractors out there, so take your time to find the right one. With the right expert, you can enjoy a safe and efficient heating and cooling system for years to come.

We all want our homes to be comfortable, and that often means maintaining the right temperature inside. Heating and cooling our homes is essential, but sometimes our systems can break down or work inefficiently. This is where an HVAC contractor comes in handy.

Ask Questions

When you’ve identified potential contractors, call them and ask questions. Inquire about their experience and whether they are licensed. Don’t forget to request references you can talk to about their work.

By following these steps, you can choose a reliable HVAC contractor to ensure your home stays comfortable. With their expertise, you won’t have to worry about system problems or discomfort for your family.

For dependable heating and cooling services, please call us today. We’re here to assist with all your HVAC needs, including heating, cooling, duct cleaning, and more. Contact North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air now for assistance!

Like our Facebook page for more information about heating and cooling services.

North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


There’s no better time than the holiday season to consider implementing a maintenance agreement for your HVAC system if you haven’t already. Why is this the ideal moment?

Well, your HVAC system may struggle to keep up with the demands of holiday guests and the festive activities. Let’s delve a little deeper into the significance of HVAC maintenance in North Myrtle Beach during this season.

What does a maintenance agreement mean for your HVAC system?

To better comprehend the benefits of a maintenance agreement for your cooling and heating system, let’s explore some fundamental aspects:

Receive Twice-Yearly HVAC Maintenance Services

A maintenance agreement with an expert HVAC contractor ensures that your system undergoes comprehensive servicing twice a year—once in the spring and again in the fall.

Regular Tune-Ups, Calibrations, and Cleaning

These routine tasks ensure that all components and parts of your system are in optimal condition. This not only improves efficiency but also extends the lifespan of your system.

HVAC-North-Myrtle-Beach-2-300x200.jpgReduced Likelihood of Breakdowns

Regular maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems. This proactive approach can save you from costly emergency repairs.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Through regular upkeep, your system operates more efficiently, resulting in reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Reliable Performance

With a maintenance agreement in place, you can trust that your system will perform reliably, no matter the weather conditions during the holiday season.

Why Have a Maintenance Agreement Before the Holidays?

The holiday season often brings a surge in the number of people visiting your home, including guests who might not typically utilize certain rooms or areas. As a result, you’ll need to heat a larger portion of your living space, and ensuring comfort can be a challenge, especially during the winter months.

Having an HVAC maintenance agreement that guarantees regular check-ups can make all the difference. It can mean the distinction between your heating and cooling system struggling to keep up with the holiday demands or running smoothly, providing you with the comfort and warmth you and your loved ones deserve.

Don’t let HVAC problems cast a shadow over your holiday season. Take proactive measures by scheduling professional heating and cooling maintenance in North Myrtle Beach today.

Give North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air a call now, and ensure your HVAC system is in its best shape to welcome the holiday festivities with open arms.

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North Myrtle Beach Heating & Air
1001 2nd Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Serving: North Myrtle BeachBarefoot LandingLittle RiverLongsCherry Grove